Wednesday, August 15, 2007

In honor of New Orleans

LACHSA Katrina Benefit concert for NOCCA and The Red Cross by the students of Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. Wynton Marsalis on trumpet alumni of NOCCA, pictures from ap on the web.


Steve Bates said...

Very moving.

One thing I've not seen mentioned anywhere, but evident in the faces pictured in this video, is the overwhelming tedium and boredom of hurricane survival... waiting, waiting, waiting some more. A friend once described his Vietnam War experience as endless days of waiting punctuated by moments of abject terror; the same may be said of the worst of hurricanes. Or even the mildest of them.

(Aside: as the very Orff-like music accompanying the storm scenes began, as if on cue, there was a thunderclap here, from one of the storms associated with now-T.D. Erin. I almost jumped out of my chair! Houston is fine, BTW; I can't speak for the folks down the coast from us.)

ellroon said...

My husband absolutely loves Orff. I have to be in the mood or I'm driven out of the room. Music comes right in and takes over, and Orff is so powerful.

I'm glad you're safe. Was watching the storm and wondering.

The famous WWI cartoonist Bruce Bairnsfather had two drawings asking: 'Would you want 6 months of this?' And you see a flat horizon through the trenches, barbed wire, and dead trees... 'Or 6 minutes of this?' And you see a tangle of bodies, English and German, bayonets and knives in hand to hand combat.

The Google rules!

Steve Bates said...

Fascinating drawings. I just spent the last half hour viewing all of them.

BTW, it isn't hard to make actual links from a comment. Here's the format:

   <a href="http://link-goes-here">Text goes here</a>

It makes it much easier for the reader to follow.

Steve Bates said...

Oh, and we had to wait until today to experience the floods due to Erin. Now there will be more waiting to find out whether hurricane Dean comes here or not...

ellroon said...

I'll keep checking your blog to see if you are underwater.

And thanks for the info on how to link. You've helped me so much!

Mapaghimagsik also helped me with the photo link which I occasionally use...