Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Republicans: a party that runs on hate and fear

And has nothing to offer for the future but eternal war and ruin.

Fear of being overwhelmed by the 'other'. (Read the hilarious comments!) It's the master slave syndrome, where the master is always afraid that the positions of power would suddenly be shifted and what he has done to others would be done to him. It's all about domination. There is no recognition of the humanity of the 'other', they are just a looming threat.

The desire to be slaves
themselves under an all-knowing, all wise grand white father who smells 'safe'. (Notice in the first link how off-handedly the 'other' is to be slaughtered.)

Ignore the fact that Republicans are NOT better at running the economy.

Ignore the fact that Republicans are NOT better at running the military.

Ignore the fact that Republicans are NOT better at family values.

Hate and fear.

That's all they have.

Update: eatbees at TPM Cafe lines up the quotes.

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