Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Right Wing Smear Machine churns along

As Media Matters for America documented, the nationwide network of conservative radio hosts -- personalities without the national prominence of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh -- engaged in an all-out effort to foment hate and suspicion of Barack Obama by participating actively in an echo chamber of smears and falsehoods about the primary candidate and then Democratic nominee. But these same radio hosts were by no means discerning in their vitriol and did not save their ire solely for Obama. The smears ran the gamut, both in the context of the 2008 election, as Media Matters noted in the previous report, and beyond. Immigrants, female politicians (and women in general), the LGBT community, the poor and homeless, minorities, progressives, unions, college students, and even autistic children were targets of these radio personalities' invective.
It must be nice to be the party of Christian and family values. It really shows.


Steve Bates said...

I've always wondered why so many people and org's, and in this case "smears," run the scale starting from the G above Low C using sol-fa syllables. You'd think they'd have better things to do than study the ancient history of Western music. But what do I know about conservative talk show hosts, anyway...

ellroon said...

And I thought they were tone deaf to come out and say some of the stunningly stupid stuff they spewed!