Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What big teeth you have, T-Rex....

The better to open coconuts, my dear!

In the middle of the lobby of the 50,000-square-foot Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky., a 20-foot waterfall tumbles. Two life-size figures of children with long black hair and in buckskin clothes play in the stream a few feet from two towering Tyrannosaurus Rex models that can move and roar. The museum, which cost $25 million to build and has a sea of black asphalt parking lots for school buses, has a scale model of Noah’s ark that shows how Noah solved the problem of fitting dinosaurs into the three levels of the vessel—he loaded only baby dinosaurs. And on the wooden model, infant dinosaurs cavort with horses, giraffes, hippopotamuses, penguins and bears. There is an elaborate display of the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve, naked but strategically positioned so as not to display breasts or genitals, swim in a river as giant dinosaurs and lizards roam the banks.

Before Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, museum visitors are told, all of the dinosaurs were peaceable plant-eaters. The evidence is found in Genesis 1:30, where God gives “green herb” to every creature to eat. There were no predators. T-Rex had such big teeth, the museum explains, so it could open coconuts. Only after Adam and Eve sinned and were cast out of paradise did the dinosaurs start to eat flesh. And Adam’s sin is a key component of the belief system, for in the eyes of many creationists, in order for Jesus’ death to be meaningful it had to atone for Adam’s first sin.


The movement desperately needs the imprint of science to legitimize itself. It achieves this imprint by discrediting real science and claiming creationist science as true science. All attempts to argue the creationists out of their mythical belief, to persuade them with logic, evidence, scientific inquiry and fact, will fail. They have created a “fundamentalist science.” They know they cannot return to the pre-Darwinian innocence that let them believe the Bible alone was enough. They need, in the midst of their flight from reality, to reassure their followers that science, science not contaminated by secular humanists and nonbelievers, is on their side. In this they are a distinctly modern movement. They seek the imprint of science and scholarship to legitimize myth. This is a characteristic they share with all modern totalitarian movements, which co-opt the disciplines of law, science, medicine and scholarship to give a modern veneer to their primitive and superstitious belief systems, systems that allow the rulers to dictate reality and truth. The “paraprofessional” organizations formed by the Christian right, organizations of teachers, journalists, doctors, lawyers and scientists, mimic the activities of real professional groups. They seek to challenge the legitimacy and the power of the traditional organizations. The duplication of the structures and methods employed by the non-totalitarian world, the use of pseudo-science to dress up fantasy, is slowly undermining our legitimate scientific and educational institutions. It is destroying the foundations of our open society. It is ushering us into a world where lies are true.
Others are saying the coconut theory about T-Rex is false, but all dinosaurs ate green herbs in Eden until Eve fucked it all up.

To counterbalance the Creation Science Museum opening, send P.Z. Myers of Pharyngula ideas for his Creation Museum Carnival.

Tengrain from Mock Paper Scissors and I posted on this 'museum' earlier. They posed light-skin colored children in clothes up to their chins near a velociraptor.

Green herbs indeed.

(update: fixed grammar and added link)


Anonymous said...

Sweet lord, these people are beyond stupid!

The question I always want to ask is: How long did it take Noah to get to Antarctica to pick up the penguins? Or to the North Pole to pick up the polar bears? Australia for platypi? Canada for moose?

I could go on and on... And how long did it take Noah to drop them all off in their respective territories after the flood?

Also - are they saying that dinosaurs were born into sin? Frankly, there's not much that's scarier than a sinful T-Rex.

Anonymous said...

Two life-size figures of children with long black hair and in buckskin clothes play in the stream a few feet from two towering Tyrannosaurus Rex models that can move and roar.

As I remember Genesis A&E wondered about in the altogether until they were evicted, so the presence of clothes, especially clothes made of animal hides indicates that they have already been booted out and started the life of omnivores. Given that transition, T-Rex would have already switched to a diet that included A&E. This would appear to contradict the premise that they were attempting to convey.

ellroon said...

Ripley, obviously penguins can swim through the flood and polar bears ... uh... floated around on little ice floes. Platipi... ah... were ... flown in by friendly sharks.

Bryan, the clothes clearly came from DEAD friendly herbivore dinosaurs who had lived happily and died contented. That green herb certainly was some heavy stuff, man...

Anonymous said...

Gen 1:29: "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food:"

Makes it hard to understand how they can justify cannabis prohibition.

ellroon said...

Easy, whig. It makes people happy. Obviously the work of the devil.

Anonymous said...

So... so... Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty... it was a documentary?



ellroon said...

Lol, Tengrain!!

Steve Bates said...

Who sexed the baby dinosaurs? I mean, you wouldn't want to take two males or two females by mistake, and even sexing a kitten can be a hazardous undertaking, depending on the kitten.

If these people existed only in works of fiction, or if they existed in reality but were merely self-satirical, they could be the best laugh any of us could find on any given day. But noooo; they take themselves as seriously as a judge. And I take them as seriously as a train wreck.

ellroon said...

The little boy dinosaurs wore blue and the little girl dinosaurs had extra-curly eyelashes and simpered and cried a whole lot.

So, even when lining up to be picked for the ark, the boy dinosaurs stood by the girl dinosaurs because they were so manly and stuff. The little girl dinosaurs were in desperate need of guidance being unable to think for themselves...

Anonymous said...

It was a joy to read your rant and the comments. It proves that, contrary to popular opinion here in the UK, there are still some sane, witty and rational Americans. More power to your collective elbows!

ellroon said...

Thank you for the encouragement, Anon. It gives us strength to forge ahead!