Monday, September 04, 2006

One of the 33%.

I recently met a woman working in the physical therapy field, cheerful, hardworking, and religious. (Attested by a few mild comments and the gold cross about her neck.) She indicated she didn't listen to the news because they didn't tell the truth. I nodded my assent but was aghast at her next statement. She knew there were really good things going on in Iraq.

If we had bombs going off and 50 to 60 people were dying daily in the United States, would we be considering how well our schools were painted?

If we had been suddenly invaded to remove our leaders and then had a civil war break out, would we listen to the hand-picked politicians put in place in the rickety puppet government?

If we were being threatened with death because we were the wrong religion in the wrong neighborhood, would we keep working? Would we even stay?

If policemen were being targeted or were targeting civilians themselves, would we rely on them to protect us?

If the occupying forces shot at us on a whim, lied constantly, gave us no jobs, and ignored our desperation, would we not fight them?

This woman as big and loving as her heart may be will not be swayed by facts. She will not listen to the truth. She has decided her stand and will not shift.

She is one of the 33% that will never question her support of Bush.

Update: Nicole Belle points out the difficulties in talking to those who will not be swayed by facts.

Bracewell discusses intellectual impairment of those who support authoritarian power.

Update 9/7. Another example of a non-thinking voter.

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