Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Iran in the crosshairs.

General Wesley Clark says a strike on Iran is very likely:

"Clark thinks a strike on Iran will be a two week bombing, typical of the start to any modern conflict, targeting power, command and control, mobility, etc. Since our ground forces are stretched too thin to invade, there will probably be some special forces teams sent in, but not much else on the ground. Clark does not think BushCo has the guts or political clout to start the draft at this time. Interestingly, Clark is not anti-draft. He feels there is a time and place for the draft, and when the American public is in agreement about that time and place, America will use the draft again. But Iran will not be that time and place."

Update via Kevin Drum: Some in the "Bush administration are pushing for a more confrontational policy toward Iran."

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