Sunday, May 06, 2007

How can you call for a bigger army

When nobody wants to sign up?

CHARLESTON, S.C., May 6 Republican presidential hopeful Rudolph W. Giuliani says the U.S. Army needs to increase its ranks by at least 70,000 soldiers.

Speaking Saturday to the graduating class at the Citadel in Charleston, S.C., Giuliani also called for the creation of a special military force to handle post-combat operations, the New York Times reported Sunday.

The citizens of the United States call for better presidential candidates, smarter college graduates, and free beer on Fridays..... but calling for it doesn't make it feasible.


Spocko said...

Did someone say free beer on Friday?

How about Romulan ale?

My solution? Take all the followers of the right wing Christians who have broken the laws of their church (e.g. having sex with a woman not their wife) and as punishment, send them to Iraq to fight. They can then practice their "culture of life" in Iraq. They are breaking church laws their want to be good members of the church. And the church could have a way to support the president in a very concrete way. They fundamentalist churches that want to punish woman for having abortions can now focus on the other half of the getting pregnant equation, the men!

The support of Dobson of this war is a huge hole in their Christian faith as far as I'm concerned.
They didn't even bother to even use the "just war" theory that the Catholic Church created.

I really think that someone should call those "Christians" on that.
Not me, though. I'm an alien, so I have no standing in their eyes.

Anonymous said...

They aren't Christians at all, though. It's just a ruse they use, to appeal to the popular religion, but they invert it, 180 degrees. Love is Hate. Freedom is Slavery. They are the church of Orwell.

ellroon said...

I doubt the Christanists will want to drink Romulan ale... It might bring them to their senses.

Sending to Iraq those who profess to the Christian faith but don't follow its precepts would make Newt Gingrich be in the forefront...
Followed by a large percentage of the Republican candidates with an assortment of ex-wives.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious where Rudy came up with the 70,000 figure. As far as I know, he has no military experience at all, so I have to wonder where he's pulling this info from.

Then again, I've never paid attention to him. I sure as Hell wouldn't vote for him, though.

ellroon said...

I'm sure he ran the figure by his pollsters, make sure it was manly enough to look tough, but not extravagant nor too inflated to look out of touch.

It's hard work, running for prez...