Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tell us the mission

Watch to the end. They ask you for ideas for a bumpersticker to describe Bush's Iraq War and its mission:

(via ::Matthew at Devon Wilson)


Unknown said...

What a coward.Most people ....normal people don't want war but sometimes it is unavoidable to keep our freedom and help obtain it for others.I know Bush wasn't perfect but I love the way people screamed for justice after 911 and then blame him when we seek it. You can't just poof end a war once it has begun. Our ancestors wanted freedom and came here for a better life .It was easier for some than others. We are a country based on freedom and complain if you want but we have more freedom than others .So what kind of whimpy cowardly country would we be if we just say we don't care how you treat YOUR people or what you come over and do on OUR soil. Well I'll tell you loud mouth what we would be ....we wouldn't be free for very long cause they would see us for cowards and attack from within cause half their army is planted within our very neighborhoods throughout our nation. So wake up! If we don't fight for our freedom like our fore fathers did including my daddy.Well, we won't have freedom anymore.

ellroon said...

My father as well fought for our nation. But he did not support this war. You want to know why?

Who attacked us on 9/11? 15 of the terrorists were Saudis, Wahhabis, from an extreme sect of the Sunni. Osama bin Laden is Saudi. (And as I'm sure you recall, the only flights allowed right after 9/11 were groups of Bin Laden and other Saudi families being flown out of the US by order of the president before they could be questioned. Just why was that?)

Al-Qaeda is a stateless terrorist group that actually was trained by the CIA to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. They drove the Russians out of Afghanistan and turned their focus on the US. Talk about blowback.

So. We attacked Afghanistan and chased al-Qaeda out. (The Taliban are a whole other extremist group, native to Pakistan and Afghanistan.)

We did not live up to our promises of fixing Afghanistan but veered suddenly off to attack Iraq. Why? Many of us bet when Bush was selected as president in 2000 that we'd be at war with Iraq in two years. The PNAC had been literally begging Clinton to go to war with Iraq for years. Bush himself had mentioned it several times in the 90s. Clearly it was on the agenda before Bush took office.

Iraq, as you may know, had nothing to do with 9/11. Nothing.

We attacked an innocent country.

Does that make us a whimpy cowardly country? No, that makes us a rogue and dangerous nation, a nation that makes war its business.

So. Fighting blindly and obediently to any war our saber-rattling politicians activate is an intelligent thing to do? Protects our 'freedoms' does it? No, it weakens us. Look at what has happened. We are now embroiled and stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan, in two literally unwinnable wars. Our truly heroic military is overstretched, misused, and breaking. And, if you were paying attention, Bush and Cheney were threatening to attack Iran near the close of their terms.

So. Bush was fighting for our 'freedoms'? No, he was fighting for the PNAC ideology, for control of the Middle East oil before China and Russia took over. Now all Russia and China need to do is stand on the sidelines as we exhaust ourselves in this losing battle. Exactly what we did to Russia. Talk about blowback.

What should he have done on 9/12/2001? Done what intelligent leaders have done before when their country has been attacked. Bush should have rallied allies, organized the intelligence, gone after Osama bin Laden, taken him out along with his leaders, and gone home. Other countries have suffered terrorist attacks and not gone to war but focused closely on specific terrorists and their networks.

Protecting our nation does not mean to rush wildly out into the world community and lash out blindly, but to be coldly deliberately relentless in our quest for vengeance against those who harmed us.

And then, we need to do the really really hard work of fixing the causes of the terrorism against us. Terrorists don't hate our 'freedoms' but hate what we do around the world. And, if you have been reading the news, you will know that what we do around the world is often horrific and cruel and causes the very terrorism we deplore.

And now President Obama gets to try to untangle this horrible mess, with courting allies and diplomacy. I hope it is not too late.

ellroon said...

And as to your comment, if you look at the vocabulary you've used throughout, you are worried about displaying cowardice and weakness. You are afraid of the Muslims who have always been in our country and are as American as the rest of us. You resort to name calling.

You want to feel braver? Know more about Islam? Trust your neighbors? Education is not weakness but a strength. Talk to your local imam. Visit the local mosque. When you put a face to your fears, you will see there is another human being standing there. With the same desires, wants, needs, loves as we have. And then you can understand more.

It's a start. And then you won't go around dumping your rant on to blogs, calling people names, and exposing the fact that you are fearful yourself of being thought a coward.

But, I bet you won't. Because being afraid is much more comfortable than doing the actual work of learning and understanding.