Thursday, May 31, 2007

And he wasn't brown, liberal, wearing weird clothes, nor did he have an accent, right?


ATLANTA (AP) -- A globe-trotting Atlanta lawyer with a dangerous strain of tuberculosis was allowed back into the U.S. by a border inspector who disregarded a computer warning to stop him and don protective gear, officials said Thursday.

The inspector has been removed from border duty.

The unidentified inspector explained that he was no doctor but that the infected man seemed perfectly healthy and that he thought the warning was merely "discretionary," officials briefed on the case told The Associated Press. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the matter is still under investigation.

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(photo taken from AP article)

Weird side note:
His new father-in-law, Robert C. Cooksey, is a CDC microbiologist specializing in TB and other bacteria.

Speaker's father-in-law has worked at the CDC for 32 years and is in the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, where he works with TB and other organisms. He has co-authored papers on diabetes, TB and other infectious diseases.

"As part of my job, I am regularly tested for TB. I do not have TB, nor have I ever had TB," he said in a statement. "My son-in-law's TB did not originate from myself or the CDC's labs, which operate under the highest levels of biosecurity."


Sorghum Crow said...

He's a personal injury lawyer. Just for poetic justice, I hope some fellow passenger sues his butt for mental anguish etc.

ellroon said...

Apparently on his honeymoon. Maybe his wife will sue him too.

Steve Bates said...

TB or not TB, that is no question...

IMHO, the guy is a selfish jerk. If someone dies from TB contracted due to his reckless disregard for the warning he was given, he could (according to Bryan) be legally liable for something a lot worse than a lawsuit.

Any bets on how long the marriage will last?

mapaghimagsik said...

You know, if the creationists are right (yeah, I know) its amazing that we made it even 6000+ years without just bashing ourselves to death with rocks.

ellroon said...

Have you looked under any piles of rocks lately?

mapaghimagsik said...

good point. Unfortunately, or rocks are getting more sophisticated.

On a side note, the new TS comic is probably incomprehensible to those who didn't watch the 'Saw' movies. :D

ellroon said...

I'm making sure I never watch the 'Saw' movies, but I still think your comics are good.