Monday, May 28, 2007

The Bush administration declares we will eat what they tell us to

And like it. (Steve Bates of The Yellow Doggerel Democrat provided the link.)
Item in Farm Bill Takes Away State & Local Rights to Regulate GMOs & Food Safety
Center for Food Safety Recognizes that Proposal Ties States' Hands, Weakening Food Safety Protections at a Time When they Need to be Strengthened

Washington May 24, 2007 - Earlier today, the House Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry approved new language slipped into the 2007 Farm Bill that pre-empts any state prohibitions against any foods or agricultural goods that have been deregulated by the USDA. The passage appears to be aimed at several recently enacted state laws that restrict the planting of genetically engineered (GE) crops, but could also prohibit states from taking action when food contamination cases occur.

"Given the recent spate of food scares, it's shocking to see this attempt to derail safeguards for our food and farms," said Joseph Mendelson, Legal Director of the Center for Food Safety. "We need a Farm Bill that will promote stronger food safety standards, not one that attacks these vital state-level protections."

The passage approved by the House Subcommittee today states that "no State or locality shall make any law prohibiting the use in commerce of an article that the Secretary of Agriculture has inspected and passed; or determined to be of non-regulated status."


Steve Bates said...

So much for states' rights, preference for local government over federal, and everything else the GOP claims to stand for. Can you spell "hypocrites," children? I knew you could!

mapaghimagsik said...

States rights for me, but not for thee!

And on another note of shameless blogwhoring (comic whoring?) Taking Stock is now back on a daily update.

ellroon said...

Spell Hypocrites? Um.. Re Pub.. li cans!

And blogwhore away, Mapaghimagisik! How else do you get your work out there?

(Will check in a minte, helping daughter type paper on French culture...)

Steve Bates said...

(DrunkDuck link above is broken... try the one in the blogroll.)

mapaghimagsik said...

Grr. I'll get you! You and your little hyperlinks! Grr!

mapaghimagsik said...

Okay, I want to test this linky thingie again.

Taking Stock

Yes, I can make it work!

Steve Bates said...

Yep. That one works. Cool! Bloody, though...

ellroon said...

That's a good one, mapaghimagsik!

(Btw.... does your name have a history or mean anything?)

mapaghimagsik said...

The nick is a word in Tagalog -- meaning rebel or rebellion

mapaghimagsik said...

I should clarify. Its an adjective.

Steve Bates said...

I finally managed to post on this topic on the YDD, and of course linked you on it. It took me long enough. It's been a fractured couple of weeks...

ellroon said...

Thanks, mapaghimagsik! I have a new word!

And Steve, you've really been through the blender. Thanks for finding the poem btw.