Saturday, May 26, 2007

Reduction of troops imminent!

Said in 2007... 2006 ... 2005 ... 2004 ... 2003.

Isn't there a story about a young boy who cried wolf too many times and finally the townspeople stopped listening to him?

Where are those townspeople?

Why are we still listening to this administration?


mapaghimagsik said...

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!


Nothing Up My sleeve! Presto! ** er August is going to be a bloody month!

ellroon said...

Don'cha say Ah did'n warns ya! The Deciderer Commander Guy kin be all compassionating but when the rubber hits the road.. the shit hits the fan.. when the infidel evildoers react to our holy cursade...

Thens the bloods gonna flow!

Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

The New York Times doesn't have the sense of your average Alpine villager.

You show them to the wolf's cave and the note about being at a trade show for a month and they'll still announce every "Wolf!" with total conviction.

We are at the point where if your read it in the Times, you know it's wrong.

ellroon said...

Bryan: 'We are at the point where if your read it in the Times, you know it's wrong.'

How did we get here so fast? How did we lose so many professional journalists who knew how to ask questions and look for facts?

And then the newspapers wonder why they are losing money....