Thursday, November 08, 2007

Omg, I love Barney Frank

ENDA passes the House with a 235-184 vote.

Watch his wonderful speech.

Update: Lyssa in comments pointed out that Frank has neglected the transgendered community and in following her links, I found this letter sent to Frank from Kevin Cathcart of Lamba Legal over at Pam's House Blend:
Finally, we want to emphasize the main point we and other LGBT groups have been trying to make. It simply is wrong for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals to seek protection for themselves and leave transgender people in the dust. Transgender individuals have fought against discrimination along with gay people years before Stonewall and were prime actors at that epic moment in our joint civil rights history. Imagine if the proponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act had decided that the prohibition against race discrimination included only some racial groups but not others. For gay people to sacrifice transgender people to get protection only for themselves would be wrong.

We stand by that position and our further concern that a sexual orientation antidiscrimination law that has eliminated protections against discrimination based on gender nonconformity will provide less secure protection for everyone, including lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. Unfortunately, as you said yourself, “bigots [will] try to get around the law.” We need a law that will make that as hard as possible. That is why we continue to support H.R. 2015, the version of ENDA introduced in April, and to oppose

H.R. 3685, the version of ENDA introduced last week. Respectfully yours,

Kevin M. Cathcart
Executive Director
Lambda Legal
Good to know.


Steve Bates said...

That was a very moving speech.

I am so damned tired of this... people who label themselves "conservative" (as if!), over a period of more than a century, finding one group of people after another to deny basic human and civil rights. "Rights for me, but not for thee" seems to be their message through the ages. One might even think that they are not merely misguided but actively hostile to the basic values they so frequently preach.

Not being Christian, I'm not all that good at picking out appropriate Bible verses for an occasion. But I think the shortest of them all may well apply here: "Jesus wept." And so do I. I weep, that in the 21st century we still have people in America who proactively work to deny others' rights. That is as un-American as it gets.

ellroon said...

Ha! Had to reword the following...

"Rights for me, but not for thee"...I'll translate to the current vernacular: "I've got mine, fuck off."

My mom used to use that phrase about Jesus as an indication of exasperation ... I know it well.

Anonymous said...

"Rights for me, but not for thee"

Sounds like the voice of your average gay/transphobe. Barney Frank is a proven hater of transpeople. He pulled the Bathroom Card. He taunted another congressman for his "eagerness" to support transpeople. He has a history of transphobic comments. He has dumped longtime friends when they transitioned. He has gone on record as saying that he wouldn't want to use the same bathroom with a transperson. He has been openly contemptuous of transpeople. He CHOSE to eliminate transdpeople from the bill even BEFORE any opposition was apparent.

Gays think that the LGBT movement is still the LG movement.

Truth is, we transpeople have been doing the heavy lifting since the beginning. And now gays celebrate getting theirs at our expense.

Glad to know that you love haters.

ellroon said...

Thanks for your comment, Anon. I did not know these things; I just heard a wonderful plea for tolerance.

I will go and do more research on Mr. Franks. If what you say is true, I will be very sad and confused that a man who could sympathize with the depressed gay teenager and the closeted gay employee would scorn those who are transgendered.

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's me, Anon. I prefer to be called Lyssa, since that is my name, but I haven't figured out how to make blogger do that yet. Sorry.

What I said is true, and more. I'll chase down some of the references for you. Good luck on your research.

BTW, a good source of Frank isms is at the Americans for Truth Website. They like what he says about us and use it a lot.

ellroon said...

Thanks, Lyssa. Will do.

Anonymous said...

You are most welcome. Would you be willing to post about what you find?

ellroon said...

Thanks for the links. As to posting about his distaste for the transgendered, I have no idea.

Right now, pointing out our differences when we are trying to overthrow a massively coordinated rightwing monster weakens us. On the other hand, intolerance from a man who demands tolerance is moronic.

As soon as I do more research, I will decide about either adding a caveat to this post or putting up a new one. I appreciate being exposed to the truth, and will gladly retract my position when shown I am mistaken.

Thanks again, Lyssa.

ellroon said...

Lyssa, found this on one blog I really like, Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof.

Off to check links.

Anonymous said...

Right now, pointing out our differences when we are trying to overthrow a massively coordinated rightwing monster weakens us.

In order for me not to read this as "STFU, or you'll screw up my rights, you uppity tranny," I have to trust you.
You are asking a lot after what just transpired. And, dircting me to a blog that tells me I have to wait because my rights are "rough."

Either way, you still tell me that I come second. Not cool.

Not OK. What if it were you?

I apreciate your willingness to examine your position, but must you rigidly cling to putting me and mine second? I am not being divisive; I just have one question:

Am I your FULL PEER or not?

If yes, back it up. If no, well, you're in good company. Nice knowing you.

Hint: We will be seen as stronger if we confront our internal prejudices and overcome them. Unless you think that isn't as important as my silence so you can get yours.

ellroon said...

Excuse me for trodding on your toes. I have not take a me first you last position as much as am feeling my way into an area I had no idea existed. Not being gay nor transgendered, I realize I will offend when none is intended. I will not notice nuance. So excuse me while I learn.

I truly feel that if everyone were honest and true to themselves and gave that right to all, we'd be living in a utopia. Can we hear and acknowledge all voices and needs at once while trying to unite to take on a monolithic face of hatred and exclusivity? I have no idea.

You are much more sensitive to the language of exclusion than I, so again, excuse me while I find out what this means.

ellroon said...

And to answer your question, all people everywhere who breathe and live life are my full peers.

No exceptions.

Anonymous said...

My apologies if I sounded harsh. This is a life or death matter for me (NO LIE). So, my emotions are about where you'd expect them to be. Frank is bad news to transpeople. Very bad.
I had assumed from the tone of your post that you were gay or lesbian. You list the website of a rabid transphobe (americablog) on your blogroll, and I assumed your stance on transpeople reflected that of the sites owner, John Aravosis.

I stand corrected. Thank you for your update.

And you are well on your way to learninbg. Good luck and be well

PS check this link out:

ellroon said...

Thank you, Lyssa. I appreciate your graciousness.

Be well and be safe.