Saturday, November 17, 2007

We're doomed

We're all going to be living in dumpsters....
It is increasingly clear that by now that a severe U.S. recession is inevitable in next few months. Those of us who warned for the last 12 months about a combination of a worsening housing recession, a severe credit crunch and financial meltdown, high oil prices and a saving-less and debt-burdened consumers being on the ropes causing an economy-wide recession were repeatedly rebuffed the consensus view about a soft landing given the presumed resilience of the US consumer.
You know all those pallets of money they hauled over to Iraq in the beginning of the war? The untraceable money they gave to Halliburton and to Blackwater? The money they gave to defense contractors who then didn't do the work? All the Bush cronies who partied in the U.S. treasury trough?

I want my money back.

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