Sunday, September 09, 2007

Thank you Australia!

Succinct and universal. (Via Sinfonian at Blast Off!):

07.09.2007 - Around 50 people have bared their bottoms in protest against APEC and the visiting US President George W Bush. A group calling themselves 'Bums for Bush' exposed themselves in Sydney's Hyde Park during a protest rally this afternoon (07.09.2007). Organiser Will Saunders says its a fun and Australian way to get the anti-Iraq war message across.

In a protest against the Iraq war and global warming, dozens of people bared their buttocks on Friday in a Sydney park not far from where world leaders were gathered for a regional summit.


Steve Bates said...

But... but... but...

It amazes me how many times through history one or another sort of nudity has been used as an expression of contempt or some other kind of protest. I hope, and presume, the Aussies ("Ozzies," as they pronounce it) in this protest were not arrested. My hat's off to them. (Maybe drawers would be better than hat in this case...)

ellroon said...

Dropping your pants to salute someone just doesn't have the same ... gravitas ... as taking off one's hat...