Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Only one bomb away

From total domination.

We sensed this, predicted it, suggested where. But now we have proof:
Goldsmith shared the White House's concern that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act might prevent wiretaps on international calls involving terrorists. But Goldsmith deplored the way the White House tried to fix the problem, which was highly contemptuous of Congress and the courts. "We're one bomb away from getting rid of that obnoxious court," Goldsmith recalls Addington telling him in February 2004.
How much these people love our system of government. How they have gotten rich from breaking our military, shredding the Constitution, ignoring our laws. How they love how they have gotten away with ruining our country. All in the name of greed and power.

Impeachment is too good for them. Take away all their money. Take away all their power. Take away any right to have Secret Service protection or the ability to write their legacy books. Take away their speeches.

Give them work a midnight shift at WalMart for a few years, then sign them up for the Army. Let them see what they have done to America up close.


Anonymous said...

This kinda feeds into my belief that they saw 9/11 coming and did nothing, because they knew it would be a political goldmine.

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they probably had no idea just how bad it would actually be, but I sure could be wrong.

ellroon said...

Eli, I believe that too. I wonder if we will ever know the complete truth what happened that day.

Steve Bates said...

"Take away all their money. Take away all their power. Take away any right to have Secret Service protection or the ability to write their legacy books. Take away their speeches." - ellroon

Take away their airport men's room privileges...

ellroon said...


AND take away their business cards so they can't flash them at cops and say,"What do you think about that?"