Sunday, September 09, 2007

Move over, ethanol!

Here comes jatropha!

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But now that a plant called jatropha is being hailed by scientists and policy makers as a potentially ideal source of biofuel, a plant that can grow in marginal soil or beside food crops, that does not require a lot of fertilizer and yields many times as much biofuel per acre planted as corn and many other potential biofuels. By planting a row of jatropha for every seven rows of regular crops, Mr. Banani could double his income on the field in the first year and lose none of his usual yield from his field.

Poor farmers living on a wide band of land on both sides of the equator are planting it on millions of acres, hoping to turn their rockiest, most unproductive fields into a biofuel boom. They are spurred on by big oil companies like BP and the British biofuel giant D1 Oils, which are investing millions of dollars in jatropha cultivation.

Countries like India, China, the Philippines and Malaysia are starting huge plantations, betting that jatropha will help them to become more energy independent and even export biofuel. It is too soon to say whether jatropha will be viable as a commercial biofuel, scientists say, and farmers in India are already expressing frustration that after being encouraged to plant huge swaths of the bush they have found no buyers for the seeds.

But here in Mali, one of the poorest nations on earth, a number of small-scale projects aimed at solving local problems — the lack of electricity and rural poverty — are blossoming across the country to use the existing supply of jatropha to fuel specially modified generators in villages far off the electrical grid.


Anonymous said...

Biofuels!!! I wonder if we can grow it over here. I'll do some checking, I think.

ellroon said...

The seeds are poisonous and I can't tell if the plant has any other uses besides the biofuel, but it sounds so much better than corn!

Anonymous said...

I've got a good slogan.

Jatropha. Because hemp is illegal.

ellroon said...

HA, got two in one, excellent! Works for me!

hipparchia said...

i've been reading about jatropha for awhile now. looks promising...

ellroon said...

Especially because it can thrive with less water.

Glad you are looking into it, hipparchia, being in the business of biofuels and stuff...

We're counting on you! I'd replace my grass lawns for this stuff if it would put Cheney and Bush outta business along with the Saudis...