Sunday, September 09, 2007

The manly scent of Fred Thompson

Just ignore the man behind the facade:

Update: Helping a lawyer for Libyan terrorists needs to be ignored too:
The involvement of Mr. Thompson, who worked part-time for Arent Fox as a lawyer and lobbyist from 1991 until shortly before his election to the Senate in 1994, never became public. But Arent Fox’s chairman, Marc L. Fleischaker, confirmed that Mr. Thompson, who is now seeking the Republican presidential nomination, briefly provided Mr. Culver with advice about the suspects’ case, billing the firm for 3.3 hours of his time.

The firm was hired to provide guidance on the tense questions surrounding where the two men should be tried, Mr. Fleischaker said, and Mr. Thompson’s background as a former prosecutor, as well as his government relations experience — he had close ties to senior officials in the first Bush administration — “gave him insight on jurisdictional issues such as that.”


Steve Bates said...

Is a lawyer/lobbyist for a Libyan called a "libbyist"?

I am willing to let this one go. Lawyers have a responsibility to represent clients to the best of their ability, and inevitably that includes some unsavory clients. Don't forget that in our system even those unsavory clients have a right to be represented.

There's plenty of stuff on which to fault Thompson as a candidate... his breathtaking ignorance on foreign policy matters comes to mind, but there's much more than that... without hammering him for representing unpleasant people. It was his job. I doubt he had any enthusiasm for it.

ellroon said...

Lol! (Damn! I shoulda thought of that!)

You are right. I am just hoping the contradictions, the fake platitudes, the glossing over of personal history, the convenient forgetfulness, the flipfloppitiness will strip Fred Thompson of this bizarre Reaganesque buffing that the mainstream media is doing.

Run on who you are, Fred. Which seems to be a person who has been all over the map.