Saturday, May 05, 2007

Whatever it is, it doesn't look healthy

Another deep sea creature searching frantically for cooler seas?

Like the other 'monsters' that we've seen recently?


Anonymous said...

i can't watch the utube. but glogger is letting me comment today.

i know i've said it before, but really, and i'm not just blowing smoke up your dress. this blog is the best roundup of all the current atrocity in one place.

ellroon said...

I wondered what that cloud following me around was. (Actually, haven't worn a dress in ages, thank god.)

Thanks, charley.

And speaking of compliments, you really have an excellent photographer's eye. Do you sell prints? Is it your business?

Anonymous said...

Do you sell prints? Is it your business?

ha, ha. as i said below. karma is a bitch. i took it too serious, wanting to be a big dog artist. most of the stuff on my blog is really pretty crappy. which is a post i've swimming around in my head. but unlike taking the digital camera out for a stroll around the block it's going to take some effort to put together. stay tuned.

still, you mention a good idea.

ellroon said...

NTodd sells photos. He's used the card company for a few of them, and prints others himself. I'd don't think there is much money in it though...

Anonymous said...

I'd don't think there is much money in it though...

there isn't. i think i might have inspired him on that project.

the materials and effort are so extensive and expensive that it ends up being a zero sum game.