Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Isn't it amazing that a man trying to spread the word of God

Spread something else entirely:

Molly Ivors at Whiskey Fire
on Falwell:
I'm bracing myself for days of unquestioning tongue-bathing of the corpse from the mainstream press, so let me just say this before it gets started: Jerry Falwell may have single-handedly brought down the American experiment in his desire to allow religion to control the government and to make personal moral decisions the province of the law. We would not be where we are right now--mired in war and debt, with a deeply divided population and a functionally retarded president--without Falwell and his minions. There, I said it and I'm not sorry.
Ripley at Zen Cabin sends him off with some choice music.

Chester at Vanity Press looks at the mess Falwell left behind:
It's difficult to be charitable when acknowledging the passing of someone whose life's work you despised. I guess all I've got to say is that I'm more concerned with the continuing effects of his efforts here on Earth than I am with the fate of his immortal soul -- because the latter is really none of my business. So yes, all in all I hope he gets some peace in death, if only because there's no point in wishing otherwise; now, let's see about unravelling his harmful legacy back down here on the material plane, yes?
jj at Unrepentant Old Hippie shows where the blame for Falwell's death will fall.

jurassicpork of Welcome to Pottersville has an excellent obituary, I've stolen this quote:
How many of us can forget the ventriloquist act (with two dummies instead of an actual human in the act) on The 700 Club in which Falwell blamed pro-choice people, the ACLU, gays and lesbians for September 11th? There’s Falwell’s legacy in a nutshell among those of us who don’t give ourselves prostate exams with our noses. That was just one of the many, many faux pas that led to Falwell’s fall from being America’s #1 evangelist to another potbellied Christopath relegated to genteel but still-lucrative obscurity.

Falwell, as with Robertson, as with Franklin Graham, as with James “Last of the Dogbeaters” Dobson, as with so many others, was all about hate. Maybe he wasn’t quite as outer fringe as Fred Phelps but at his worst he wasn’t very far from it. As far back as the height of his power in the late 80’s, he became such an embarrassment to moderate Christians and conservatives that even warhawk Barry Goldwater publicly said that he’d love to kick Falwell in the nuts.

Falwell made quite a handsome living baiting gays, lesbians, the ACLU, liberals and even Christians who didn’t come around the Baptist buffet line a second time for a heapin’ helping of salvation.
I think jurassicpork's word Christopath describes it all.

Update: Fixed spelling. Sheesh! (and again. Don't tell me about spell checker being my friend....)


Anonymous said...

More like Kristopath

ellroon said...

Whatever he was, Jesus would not have recognized his religion.

JJ said...

Awesome. I was surprised my own response was so ... restrained? (Well, except for the celebratory glass of wine. Ha!) Unfortunately, Falwell's legacy of hate will live on for a while... but at least he's not around feeding it with his outrageous statements anymore.

ellroon said...

Lol, jj! Your 'restrained' comment said a whole hell of a lot!

And yes, you are right. I'm sure there's another hate-filled bloated-ego bible-quoting gasbag waiting in the wings....