Monday, May 14, 2007

Indignant, immoral, huffy, corrupt, pompous, hypocritical, greedy, insincere....

Republicans have been and are all that. (Did I miss anything?) So why on earth should we do business with them?

Republicans are trying to call Democrats angry and asking why should they do business with us. Sure, I'll own up to being angry. Wouldn't you be angry after six plus years of this shit?
Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof:
So why, the Republicans innocently ask, are the Democrats so angry? Would you like a list?
- Iraq
- Katrina
- Valerie Plame
- Tom DeLay
- Terri Schiavo
- Randy "Duke" Cunningham
- the fired US attorneys
- Abu Ghraib
- Scooter Libby
- warrantless wiretapping
- tax cuts for the rich
- the Federal Marriage amendment that would put gay-bashing into the Constitution
- stem-cells
- and on and on
(I'll add three, Mustang Bobby: Habeas Corpus, the Kyoto Accord, and the Geneva Convention).

It's like having your drunk brother-in-law moving into your house AFTER your sister has thrown him out. He parks his car on your lawn, maxes out your credit card, and starts a fight with your wife. He then proceeds to leer at your underage son, grope your daughter while preaching about morals and the dangers of homosexuality. He listens to your phone calls and reads your emails. He watches porn and snuff tapes. Finally, he burns the neighbor's house down, then threatens the neighbor beyond him. He then wonders why you are angry.

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