Saturday, May 12, 2007

In pursuit of chickens

Spocko of Spocko's Brain continues to ask for the list of chicken processors that would show whether they are the ones selling the now-safe-for-you melamine fed chickens:

Here is what I've found as of Friday at 5:30 pm on May 11, 2007

Four processors have claimed that their chickens are not part of the 20 million melamine tainted chickens or are not in the state with the 38 chicken farms.

They are:
  1. Perdue Farms (I got an excellent email from Julie DeYoung,Vice President, Corporate Communications at Perdue. It states that all of the protein ingredients are from the United States, their farms aren't effected and they are even going to do random sample testing of their feed ingredients to be proactive. They did this because companies were duped. I applaud their actions. Note to others, THAT is how a smart company communicates and acts.)

  2. Pilgrims Pride - West Virginia based
  3. Foster Farms - California based
  4. Murry's Chickens - New York-based
Thank you, Spocko! Keep up the good work!

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spocko said...

I think I should hire you a my editor. You always seem to get just the good stuff.

Buck, buck, buck buGACK!

ellroon said...

Nah, I do that so no one can bitch I'm stealing their entire post... unless I steal their entire post.

It also makes them go to the original post to find out more.

And I'm lazy....

Anonymous said...

Somewhat unrelated: Got Milk?

Anonymous said...

So is Spocko like the best evah or what? The more I read from and about him the more impressed I am.

He doesn't just sit around bitchin and moanin! He takes action!

Live long and prosper, Spocko!

ellroon said...

Oh, thanks a lot, whig! /pauses with hot tea with half and half on way to mouth.

I knew about rBST and try to buy milk products without when I can. But it is in EVERYTHING you buy that uses milk products.

And who is at the bottom of this?

Monsanto. Lovely.

ellroon said...

dee, Spocko scares the socks off of corporations. He is invariably polite, clear, and relentless.

We need him very much on the forefront of this battle between corporations and individual rights.