Thursday, May 03, 2007

Georgie's legacy

Will forever be entangled with his wonderful glorious war in Iraq. Steve Bates of The Yellow Doggerel Democrat says it best:
Your legacy, Mr. Bush? What folly. Your legacy to history is secure: America bankrupted, America's once superb military eviscerated, America's constitutional tradition of equal justice under law trashed like yesterday's cat litter, America's youth dead in the streets of Baghdad fighting a war you started with a lie, America's once sterling international reputation for tough but fair diplomacy replaced with a new reputation as the biggest thugs in the neighborhood (but with a glass jaw), and Americans' own freedoms and liberties bound and gagged by extralegal actions more characteristic of an Orwellian totalitarian state than of the principles of our Founders. Oh yes, Mr. Bush, your legacy is secure.


Anonymous said...

Bush is the only one who wants it at this point. Well he, Cheney, and Rove, and Laura, although she's only hanging on for the extended shopping spree. I think Barney has even bailed by now.

ellroon said...

Laura has been looking a bit too plastic and botoxed to the gills for a while now. To me she looks terribly unhappy. Being forced to live right up close to messianic insanity must be awful.

And I don't know how many malls there are in Paraguay....