Friday, May 11, 2007

All that wagging of fingers under Bush's nose

And telling him to shape up....

Didn't mean anything except to polish the resumes of those running for office in 2008. They all voted against the Short-term Iraq funding bill.

Thank god for Google and YouTube. These candidates are going to come face to face with what they voted for and how much they pandered to the Bush administration. Repeatedly.

The 12 'moderates':

Charles W. Dent, Pennsylvania
Tom Davis, Virginia
Ray LaHood, Illinois
John Boehner, Ohio
Fred Upton, Michigan
Mark Kirk, Illinois
Jim Gerlach, Pennsylvania
James T. Walsh, New York
Jo Ann Emerson, Missouri
Jim Ramstad, Minnesota
Mike Castle, Delaware
Todd Platts, Pennsylvania


Anonymous said...

How do we impeach the whole damn Republican party?

ellroon said...

We remind them they don't like government, they destroyed the government when they had total power, so why on earth should anyone EVER vote in a person who cannot govern?

Beltway Progressive said...

Go to and see the story of the man who covered up Walter Reed, Abu Gharib and Jack Abramoff, signed the Terri Schiavo petition, set up his wife as a consultant a company that lobbies his House "Oversight and Reform" Committee, and voted with Bush 95% of the time. From Shiavo in Florida to servicemen and women in Iraq to Native tribes in Minnesota, the whole country should get behind his opponent in 2008.

ellroon said...

Thanks for the info and the link, beltway. Will go and read.