There aren't many things that could drive this ancient, creaky, cranky, nonviolence-loving American citizen to participate in open rebellion... but anything resembling a successful theocratic coup is one of them. And I'm pretty sure I would not be alone.
" participate in open rebellion... but anything resembling a successful theocratic coup is one of them."
...that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Not advocating, just saying! I'll stop by Home Depot and get a pitchfork as well if such a time comes.
Read The Handmaid's Tale by Attwood for a hair-raising story about a theocracy in the US. We always say it couldn't happen, but after these LAST eight years, who knows?
I already have a pitchfork... oh, wait... no; make that a pitchpipe and a tuning fork! ;)
The Handmaid's Tale is chilling, and all too plausible. Of course, Attwood is a magnificent author; anything she writes is sure to be excellent... in this case, excellently chilling. I wish it were assigned to adolescent school kids at about the same time as Orwell's 1984.
But then you'd have the ranting parents with pitchforks in the principal's office. It criticizes non-thinkers and religion and therefore is against God!
And a pitchpipe and tuning fork just might be behind the most devastating doggerel that shakes the evil neocons and corporatists to the core and brings them down....
Nice! The truth in this little bumper sticker is scary.
What gets me is that the religious wingnuts always assume that it will be THEIR translation of the Bible that will be the one enforced...
there be dragons and wars in that direction.
There aren't many things that could drive this ancient, creaky, cranky, nonviolence-loving American citizen to participate in open rebellion... but anything resembling a successful theocratic coup is one of them. And I'm pretty sure I would not be alone.
I'd be right along side of you, pitchfork in hand!
" participate in open rebellion... but anything resembling a successful theocratic coup is one of them."
...that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Not advocating, just saying! I'll stop by Home Depot and get a pitchfork as well if such a time comes.
Read The Handmaid's Tale by Attwood for a hair-raising story about a theocracy in the US. We always say it couldn't happen, but after these LAST eight years, who knows?
I already have a pitchfork... oh, wait... no; make that a pitchpipe and a tuning fork! ;)
The Handmaid's Tale is chilling, and all too plausible. Of course, Attwood is a magnificent author; anything she writes is sure to be excellent... in this case, excellently chilling. I wish it were assigned to adolescent school kids at about the same time as Orwell's 1984.
But then you'd have the ranting parents with pitchforks in the principal's office. It criticizes non-thinkers and religion and therefore is against God!
And a pitchpipe and tuning fork just might be behind the most devastating doggerel that shakes the evil neocons and corporatists to the core and brings them down....
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