Sunday, December 02, 2007

Just asking

Have we ever seen the twins interact with their dad this way?

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ntodd said...

No. It would require genuine affection. Not even the psychopath Bushies can fake that.

ellroon said...

Exactly. Someone noticed during the last Bush campaign how Kerry's daughters interacted with him, and then compared it to how the twins interacted with Georgie.

It was obvious that the twins wanted very little to do with dad.

mapaghimagsik said...

Oh c'mon. I'm sure it happened during one of the family benders.

After he said "Jenna, you shore gotta purty mowth", they decided it was time to put Georgie to bed

ellroon said...


I thought only bald heads turned him on....

/shudder shudder...

charley said...

well, at first i thought it was a romantic movie scene. typical old actor young actress thing.

all that needs to be said about fathers and daughters was said by the the kerry daughters.

and america, chose the bush bimbos.

chelsea, certainly grew up to be quite the handsome woman.

ellroon said...

Chelsea looks like she can hold her own, bless her. And Charley, you're right. The Kerry daughters were wonderful. All these women are brave, proud, and forthright. It says volumes about parenting.