The bloggers are the reason our country is so polarized and divided. Not the Bush administration with its mangling of the Constitution and unnecessary wars. Gee... I feel so emboldened!
Think Progress:
At a National Press Club event earlier this week, NBC White House correspondent David Gregory argued that, because is so much polarization in politics today, “people try to divine or assign our motives” for asking certain questions at the White House press briefings. When Helen Thomas asked Gregory what was responsible for the polarization, Gregory answered:I think the neocons had every thing lined up for Bush's thousand year reich but hadn't planned for the power of the internet. Damn those bloggers and their pajamas!
I think it’s because of the internet largely. The polarized atmosphere in the internet and blogs and whatnot have been a major contributor to that.
Update 12/4: Richard Power of Words of Power has a fantastic list of what bloggers have done in recent history. I stand amazed at our evil might!
And, perhaps, another reason for all those blogs chock full of polarized atmosphere was watching David Gregory playing 'blind man's bluff' with his blindfold off in WH press scrums over the last 4 years.
He symbolized the attention deficit issues inherent with most WH press corps members in the Jeff Gannon era, IMO.
The Jeff Gannon era.... that really does have a certain ring to it, doesn't it?
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