Saturday, December 08, 2007

Has anyone asked how the families feel?

Being forced to spend more time with the retired politician?

McCrery, 58, joins 17 other Republicans who are headed into voluntary retirement as the party struggles to adjust to its return to minority status in the 2006 elections.

Officials disclosed McCrery's decision on condition of anonymity, not wanting to pre-empt a formal statement.

A statement prepared for release said that McCrery reached his decision out of disappointment that Republicans no longer controlled the House as well as a desire to spend more time with his children.

McCrery had been well-positioned to take over as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee in January if the GOP had held control in last year's elections.

"The chairmanship would have allowed me to play a leading role in addressing some of the biggest long-term problems facing our country," the statement said.

He said he had sought to work harmoniously with Rep. Charles Rangel, the New York Democrat who chairs the panel, and that the two have had some success in drafting bipartisan trade legislation.

"But on tax reform, Medicare and health care reform, and Social Security Reform, our best efforts have come to naught," the statement said.

"So, given that disappointment and my desire to more fully enjoy the last few years my boys will be at home, I will not seek re-election to the Congress in 2008."


Steve Bates said...

Excuse me? his "best efforts have come to naught" working with Charles Rangel on social issues?

Well, boo-fucking-hoo.

When the GOP was in charge of Congress, they held committee meetings without even bothering to admit... nay, to notify... Democrats. And they decided that a majority of a majority was enough to pass things out of committee. Now, they will have to live without any sympathy from me. As far as I'm concerned, they can spend all their time with their family, given how little consideration they exhibited toward other people's needs and views while the GOP was in charge.

I was never this unsympathetic to the opposition before they decided to omit my representatives from the governing process. But I've learned my lesson; oh, yes, I have indeed...

ellroon said...

Me, too, Steve. But the key question really is.. have the rest of our fellow citizens learned their lesson? Will they vote intelligently now? Do they know how close we've come to utter ruin and the destruction of our Constitution?