Sunday, December 09, 2007

Decreasing the surplus population

Because the market is so much more important than the customers:
WASHINGTON - Lives are at risk because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is woefully behind in the latest scientific advances and is underfunded for its vast responsibilities, an expert panel will tell the FDA on Monday.

In a 56-page report titled "FDA Science and Mission at Risk," which has been posted online, officials will hear that inadequate staffing and poor retention, out-of-date technology and a general lack of resources mar the agency's ability to do its job.

The FDA regulates products ranging from pharmaceuticals and medical devices to food and cosmetics, representing about $1 trillion, or a quarter of every dollar spent in the U.S.

The FDA's chief commissioned the report to assess whether its scientific expertise can support its regulatory mission.

"FDA's inability to keep up with scientific advances means that American lives are at risk," said the report, written by a subcommittee to the Science Board, an expert advisory group.

The Bush administration has deliberately gutted the government's ability to protect the citizens. But what does it matter? The corporations are making money!

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