Will we ever be safe from their nefarious perfidy?:

MANSON, Wash. - Charles and Linda Everson were driving back to their hotel when their minivan was struck by a falling object - a 270-kilogram cow.
The Eversons were unhurt but the cow, which had fallen off a cliff, had to be euthanized.
The year-old cow fell about 60 metres from the cliff and landed on the hood of the couple's minivan, causing heavy damage.
A Chelan County fire chief, Arnold Baker, said the couple missed being killed by a matter of centimetres in the accident Sunday on a highway near Manson.
Was the cow water boarded before its demise? Did it reveal the whereabouts of Osama Bin Mooin'? Inquiring minds need to know.
Actually, the cow was heavily invested in mortgage derivatives and he had lost his life savings and jumped.
More Rpublican Pigs to follow.
I thought the cow took offense for being blamed for global warming by the methane belching. It had to make a public statement about car exhaust.....
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