Georgie shows what he's made of

Washington, D.C. (AHN) - An increasingly combative President Bush vetoed a bipartisan water projects bill Friday, making it the fourth bill that he has nullified with his veto pen in the past year alone.
The $23 billion The Water Resources Development Act water bill would authorize hundreds U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects across the country intended to improve access to water supplies, improve flood control and restore threatened ecological zones. They include: building barriers to the invasive Asian Carp assailing the Great Lakes; developing flood control, restoration and hurricane mitigation projects in Louisiana and Mississippi; initiating protective projects along the upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers; and restoring the Florida Everglades. While the bill would authorize the projects themselves, the actual funding would be approved separately.
Support for the bill surpassed the 2/3 majority needed for an override in both chambers of Congress, making it highly likely that lawmakers will challenge the president's veto.
"When we override this irresponsible veto, perhaps the president will finally recognize that Congress is an equal branch of government and reconsider his many other reckless veto threats," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, (D-NV).
I would love nothing more than to see a whole run of Dubya vetoing stuff and getting overruled.
The sooner he is consigned to irrelevancy, the better off the world will be.
I welcome his irrelevancy but worry that he might just bomb Iran as a going away present.
A going-away present? ellroon, do you really think he's going away?
Whether or not Bush goes away at the end of his term, I doubt he will learn anything from a veto override now. But I may be wrong: he may learn to be a meaner (expletive) than he already is. It's the one thing he's good at.
Can you imagine Georgie thinking we'd let him stay in his presnitcee when the ever-so-convenient terrorist attack occurs just before the elections?
75% of us would vote him out even if toxic radioactive smoke was drifting through the polling places...
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