Friday, April 04, 2008

Army Vice Chief of Staff General Richard Cody

Speaks his mind.

Eli of Multi Medium:

And then he added the kicker:

If unaddressed, this lack of balance poses a significant risk to the All-Volunteer Force and degrades the Army’s ability to make a timely response to other contingencies.

When Cody says “this lack of balance poses a significant risk to the All-Volunteer Force,” he’s really saying we have three options:

1. We can change course now and save everyone a lot of trouble.

2. We can maintain our current course in Iraq and watch the Army disintegrate as it did during and after Vietnam.

3. We can institute the Draft.

The adjective “All-Volunteer” is the key part of the statement. He’s implying that if the force were not all-volunteer, then there would be no “significant risk.” As no sane officer would accept the disintegration of the Army, Cody is saying that if we want to keep up this thing in Iraq, we’re going to have to move toward instituting a draft. It’s that simple.

It's hard to have an Eternal War on Terror that Defines the New Century when you are losing your all-volunteer army to mismanagement, incompetence, and indifference.

But no politician on earth will touch the draft third rail. So ... it must be a political war really. Odd.


Distributorcap said...

bush has broken the military --- we will see the price of this debacle in iraq in a few years ----

and your are right -- the draft means political death ---

ellroon said...

The warmongers are praying for an ever so convenient terrorist attack in the US...

Citiwindo said...

The last thing GEN Cody wants is to bring back the Draft. If you look at all of his previous statements in hearings and in media - he STRONGLY opposes the Draftt. He served in a draft Army, and knows how bad it can get. He made that statement last week to get Congress to get off their duffs and give the Army the money it needs to win this War, and to take care of the Soldiers and families. Congress continues to underfund this Army and cut key programs, FCS, etc. His message has always been the same. Grow the Army, fund it appropriately in the BASE budget, and stop trying to win this war on the cheap thru supplementals.

ellroon said...

Citiwindo, my reply is in this post.

Anonymous said...

Hi folks - I'm new here, but not with the Pentagon... Heh. I think the message that General Cody was trying to get out is that the military has to change. I don't think he was trying to make the determination whether or not the invasion of Iraq was a good idea. It's never a good idea to have generals think they can decide national policy. Just ask MacArthur and Truman...

ellroon said...

Thanks for your comment, Anon. I'm now so accustomed to reading between the lines and listening for what is not said because this administration and the Pentagon have not been honest with us... ever. So anyone who gets a microphone and some press will have their comments picked carefully over.

This is what General Cody said:
If unaddressed, this lack of balance poses a significant risk to the All-Volunteer Force and degrades the Army’s ability to make a timely response to other contingencies. And this is what Eli of Multi Medium and I and others heard when he said it: The odd emphasis on 'volunteer army' which instantly broadcasts the thought of the draft.

If you are saying, Anon, that the military has to change, the immediate question is change to what? And what with? And how? Rumsfeld thought he was changing the military, streamlining it and heavily investing in "FCS" = Future Combat Systems = billions of wasted money for toys that may some days work as Bryan says in the next post on this subject.

How do you know this? I think the message that General Cody was trying to get out is that the military has to change.
So exactly how or what does General Cody want the military to change? How else does he expect to change the lack of balance in the military other than a draft?

Anonymous said...

My ancestor Lilith in Ur Chaldea in Iraq

I cannot ingore my roots because that fact are I am Samael and Lilith flesh and blood. I am met Lilith when I was in the City of Ur in Chaldea Iraq, which right that same area of Talill Air Force Base and She inter my body from there and then in early August 2003 a warlock introduce me to Samael and both Samael and Lilith have both been with me in my body. They pocess me and the Witches and Warlock know about because they made the arrangement because I am like a witches or warlock and Vampire savior. As you know that Lilith was the first Vampire and she protect me. I get more respect form the occult then I do from my own people except gypsies who in the occult and also protect me. I was born on 999 the Holy number for the Sun God, They think I am the reincarnation of the Sun God. 09/19/1969 or 999

I think General Cody should know what happen in Iraq to me and states especially being of of K2 haplogroup or Phoenician or Lebanese descent.

ellroon said...
