Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fallon resigns

Does this mean Bush and Cheney intend to attack Iran before the elections?

Admiral William Fallon is out as CENTCOM commander.

Fallon has resigned, according to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in a press conference at the Pentagon.


Steve Bates said...

Actually, sorghum crow, I read (where? sorry; can't remember) that Fallon himself disclaimed that alleged quote. But when the Bushists get to the point of removing the commander of CENTCOM, it can't be for purposes we would consider good. As you said... crap, crap, crap.

ellroon said...

I caught that quote here. But even if he's disavowed the statement, he's having to leave because he's not enough of a 'yes man'?

What the hell does that mean?

Distributorcap said...

once you cross dear leader, you might as well start buttering the toast

Sorghum Crow said...

In WW II, the Germans would have sent him to the Russian front....