Monday, September 10, 2007

While the U.S. warmongering media focuses on Iran

The rest of the world sees us as the new Nazis: (cartoon mentioned linked at bottom.)
Sadly, there are strong resemblances between the current anti-Iran propaganda in the US media and that of the Third Reich. As a case in point, the cartoon by Ramirez mentioned above is analogous to the Nazi propaganda film Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew), which showed maps of Europe teeming with rats and included the following script: "Whenever rats appear they bring ruin ... just like the Jews among human beings."

This recalls what sociologist Ervin Goffman has referred to as media's "framing" ability, ie, "labeling" the hostile other, in the Nazi case the Jews and in the current case the Iranians, as sub-human candidates for extermination, subjected first to a combined intense animosity and ritual humiliation through shame and ridicule.

Indeed, it is axiomatic that extreme prejudice, propagated through a gratuitously offensive media campaign, goes hand in hand with war fever. Political cartoons mirror political discourses, and pro-US-administration cartoonists such as Ramirez are now helping with the media mob lynching of Iran. That the mainstream US media publish such extremely offensive and racist visual images of Iran and Iranians, worthy of the notorious Nazi paper Der Stuermer, speaks volumes about the obscene anti-Iran climate sweeping the US today.
Here is the cartoon in question.

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