Friday, December 22, 2006

The Big Surge will bring more Hadithas

We can't tell our soldiers to hate the Iraqis, the evil-doers, the Islamofascists, the ragheads, and all the other distancing descriptions to make the 'other' seem less human; then misuse and abuse the soldiers with endless tours of duty, no exit strategy, no noble cause without triggering a 'berserker' mode where frightened soldiers go on a murderous campaign.

Blue Texan at Unclaimed Territory:
"The warbloggers shrieked and screamed at Murtha (Powerline later called him "disgusting" and Michelle Malkin accused him of "hanging the Marines"), and of course propped up the Great Leader. But in their frantic demonizing of Murtha and the media they never bothered to ask this critical question about Haditha: why were the Marines there? Why were Marines getting blown up by IEDs and knocking down civilian doors in Anbar, almost three years after “Mission Accomplished”?

We should remember that the cretins (as Chris Matthews called them earlier this week) who put those guys in that terrible situation are just as responsible for Haditha as the men on the ground. If you put overstressed combat soldiers in an untenable situation, bad things happen. John Murtha, who was a Marine for 37 years, understood that. The warbloggers like Mobius Dick, who'’ve never served, still don'’t."

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