Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lies and deceptions

It worked so well the first time.
Indeed, today alone we learned that the McCain campaign's claim that Governor Palin traveled to Iraq is a lie. In fact, she didn't cross the Kuwait border. We learned that the McCain campaign is desperate enough to tell the press phony crowd numbers, which they falsely attributed to local elected officials and the United States Secret Service. And we learned that despite Senator McCain's claim that Governor Palin is a fiscal conservative, spending actually increased during her brief tenure as Governor.
But remember, it's isn't about the issues.

Apparently they're hoping you haven't been paying attention, you have completely bought into the illusion, or that you are, as the Republicans sincerely hope, actually stupid.


ellroon said...

Clearly if you know about the issues and what is at stake in these elections, you are a latte-drinking sandal-wearing polar bear-hugging hybrid-driving educated elitist.

Otherwise you would obviously vote for the people you would hope to have a beer with if they'd ever stop their limos to do so.

Distributorcap said...

issues are SO five minutes ago ell.....

it is hockey moms, and god, shooting moose.....

that is what will make THIS country strong.....

ellroon said...

What? A pile of dead mooses will make us strong? Like in eating raw meat? Or maybe the smell...