Monday, September 08, 2008

Holy shit!


JJ of Unrepentant Old Hippie has the link:
"Declaring that clergy have a constitutional right to endorse political candidates from their pulpits, the socially conservative Alliance Defense Fund is recruiting several dozen pastors to do just that on Sept. 28, in defiance of Internal Revenue Service rules.

The effort by the Arizona-based legal consortium is designed to trigger an IRS investigation that ADF lawyers would then challenge in federal court. The ultimate goal is to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to throw out a 54-year-old ban on political endorsements by tax-exempt houses of worship.


Anonymous said...

It's predictable, and it happens every four years, and they will lose their tax exemptions if they go through with it. Guaranteed.

ellroon said...

I would think the law is clear, but in this day and age and with the Supreme Court we have right now, who knows?

Anonymous said...

Well, first they'd have to wind through the lower courts and appeal, and in the meantime they will lose. Then there is no guarantee the Supreme Court will want to review the lower courts, and the makeup of the court may change by the time it gets there.

It's a pretty risky proposition, is what I'm saying. If you want to engage in political activity you aren't prevented, you just don't get a tax exemption to do so.

ellroon said...

But... God is on their side! They've just gotta win..

Anonymous said...

And when they don't?

ellroon said...

Pray harder! With guns!

JJ said...

"Pray harder! With guns!" LOL