Saturday, February 02, 2008

Beware of praise from Bush

That means your program/job/office is going to be cut/found redundant/closed:
24 Hours After Touting Clean Coal In SOTU, White House Drops Ambitious Clean Coal Project
Just how many times has he done this? Read this wonderfully written Molly Ivins article, so to the point:
On the few occasions when Bush does directly encounter the down-and-out, he seems to empathize. But then, in what is becoming a recurring, almost nightmare-type scenario, the minute he visits some constructive program and praises it (AmeriCorps, the Boys and Girls Club, job training), he turns around and cuts the budget for it. It's the kiss of death if the president comes to praise your program. During the presidential debate in Boston in 2000, Bush said, "First and foremost, we've got to make sure we fully fund LIHEAP [the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program], which is a way to help low-income folks, particularly here in the East, pay their high fuel bills." He then sliced $300 million out of that sucker, even as people were dying of hypothermia, or, to put it bluntly, freezing to death.
She wrote this in 2003. Bless you, Molly.


crossposted at SteveAudio


Anonymous said...

He has the same effect on businesses...he shows up, tells them what a great job they are doing, and within two months the plant is shut down.

If you remember Pete Wilson, he had the same talent. I ROFL when the guy he put in charge of the program to keep business in California had to resign within a few months because he moved his company to Utah.

ellroon said...

The most hilarious blunder was one of the companies hired to do work on the Mexico/US border wall.... who had hired illegals to do some of the work.

But still...I think if I was a business, I'd freak out if I heard Bush wanted a photo op at my office...

mapaghimagsik said...

Bush is indeed the Flying Dutchman of businesses.

ellroon said...

Had to go google The Flying Dutchman, for even though I knew of the story, I wanted to see the similarities to Georgie:
The Flying Dutchman is usually spotted from afar, sometimes seen to be glowing with ghostly light. It is said that if she is hailed by another ship, her crew will often try to send messages to land or to people long since dead. In ocean lore, the sight of this phantom ship is reckoned by seafarers to be a portent of doom.

Doom indeed. Talk about floundering on the rocks, drowning in stupidity, sailing in the sauce... something about the poop deck...

You got it in one, map!