Saturday, February 23, 2008

I must polish it a bit more

And hang it on my blog:


Michael of Cannablog
gave this to me ... why ask questions? Now I get to choose out ten other bloggers... which makes me cringe each time I do these things because I read so many. But by chainlinking back, I'll try to prevent repeating bloggitteers who have been chosen already:

Mustang Bobby at Bark Bark Woof Woof

Carrie, Uncensored

distributorcap NY

Morse of Media Needle

Tengrain of Mock, Paper, Scissors

Eli of Multi Medium


Sorghum Crow at his General Store

Mapaghimagsik of Taking Stock

Steve Bates of The Yellow Doggerel Democrat

Excellent bloggers all!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks Ellroon - and coming from you and Rants makes it a double-honor!



ellroon said...

Love your stuff, Tengrain!

Steve Bates said...

Truly most kind of you, ellroon. But I don't think any Texan would be inclined to put an Enron "E" on his or her blog. :)

ellroon said...

LOL! Aww... C'mon. You could get a call from our Gropenator Ahnold looking for some of our state's money Enron stole....

Distributorcap said...

OMG -- you are too kind --- and i am honored to be sitting with you barack obama

i just thought i would plagiarize tonite

ellroon said...

Lol! Plagiarism is good... until you get caught, Dcap! Just change the nouns and the verbs, shift the tenses and voila! Your own shiny new ideas!

Love your blog!