Monday, February 25, 2008

Censorship in Alabama

From Harper's Magazine:
CBS aired its long-awaited feature on the prosecution and imprisonment of former Alabama Governor Don E. Siegelman this evening at 7:00. In a stunning move of censorship, the transmission was blocked across the northern third of Alabama by CBS affiliate WHNT, which is owned by interests of the Bass Family. Those who were in the zone of censorship or who missed it, can catch the whole segment here.
They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Update 2/26:
People are asking why the Siegelman article was dropped and want specifics. WHNT re-aired the missing segment but it won't stop the questions.


mapaghimagsik said...


Steve Bates said...

Rove. Plain and simple... Rove.

ellroon said...

It would really be nice if we could introduce Rove to waterboarding... not that I'm for torture or anything.

The Republicans have been assuring us it's just like swimming or getting water up your nose.