Monday, February 04, 2008

Here. You guys need this.

Stolen shamelessly from Watertiger posting at Firedoglake.


Sorghum Crow said...

he can get a job with Cheney shredding the constitution..

ellroon said...

Cheney's laughter sounds more like Muhahahaha and he rubs his hands together a lot... This baby sounds way too delighted to be a good minion.

Steve Bates said...

Stella's cell phone ringtone is a recording of a baby laughing. It certainly is attention-getting in crowded restaurants, at bus stops, in stores, etc.

It. Drives. Me. Crazy. :)

ellroon said...

Lol! I tried the cat meowing one for my phone ... briefly. When it went off in a Mexican restaurant, the jokes flew about what kind of meat the tacos had....

Anyway. Any ringtone is irritating when it repeats itself insistently...

Steve Bates said...

About my cell phone ringtone: however many ways the description "old-fashioned" does not apply to me, my cell phone emits something that sounds ever so much like an old-fashioned telephone bell (think: wooden box with two metal boob-shaped bells) ringing in an empty warehouse. In the two years I've had this ringtone (which came free with the phone), I've encountered exactly one other person who used it.

Stella uses a cat sound, too, just not on her cell phone. You know the stupid paper-clip character in MS Word? One of the alternatives is a cat that appears from time to time onscreen, making meows that sound kinda-sorta cat-like. That used to drive me crazy, too, but now that I've learned to distinguish that sound from Tabitha's loud meow even over a speakerphone, my annoyance has diminished considerably. As for me, on my own computer, I murdered the MS paper clip long ago.

ellroon said...

As for me, on my own computer, I murdered the MS paper clip long ago

Glad to hear it! That was one hell of an irritating helper clip!