Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Try them, try them and you may, I say

Green cloned eggs and ham....
Meat and milk from cloned animals is generally safe to eat, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has declared.


The FDA does not expect to see a lot of products from cloned animals being sold, because of cost. It says clones would be used mainly for breeding.
The agency released almost identical draft conclusions in December 2006. Since then, new scientific information has strengthened its central view.

"After reviewing additional data and the public comments in the intervening year since the release of our draft documents on cloning, we conclude that meat and milk from cattle, swine, and goat clones are as safe as the food we eat every day," said Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

The finding also confirms the conclusions of an investigation released in 2002 by the US National Academy of Sciences. The FDA will not require food from cloned animals to be labelled as such.

Less variety, less ability to withstand mutant viruses, more danger of losing large herds, more danger of losing our sources of meat. And if there is a problem found with cloning, how will it be reined in and controlled?

One response is to eat less meat, consume more vegetables. But even that may have problems....
Scientists in the US say they have created a genetically-engineered carrot that provides extra calcium.

They hope that adding the vegetable to a normal diet could help ward off conditions such as brittle bone disease and osteoporosis.

Someone eating the new carrot absorbs 41% more calcium than if they ate the old, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study suggests.

The calcium-charged vegetable still needs to go through many safety trials.

"These carrots were grown in carefully monitored and controlled environments," said Professor Kendal Hirschi, part of the team at the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas.
Just wait until the Terminator Gene gets released into the wild...

Update: Uh... about those calcium carrots:

Auckland, New Zealand (AHN) - A study revealed that prescribed calcium supplements taken by older women actually increase the possibility of the patients suffering from heart problems and stroke.

Researchers from New Zealand's University of Auckland observed medical data of 1,500 women, with the focus being their bone density. The volunteers were divided into two groups, one group being given a daily dose of calcium supplement, and the other, placebo pills. The scientists then monitored the health of the women twice a year, for a span of five years.

The experiment yielded results that showed 60 individuals from the group given the calcium supplements to have experienced heart attacks, strokes, or even sudden death, reported the AFP. The total number of events for the group was 76.

Of the group given the placebo pill, 50 women experienced the said conditions, with the number of instances adding up to 54.

I swear... we'll just end up eating dirt and leaves. It'll be safer.

Update 1/17: Carl of Simply Left Behind:
Let's take a current example from the food processing industry as an example: growth hormones.

First off, Congress, if growth hormones are bad for ballplayers, why are they OK for cows, chickens and pigs? After all, I don't eat Barry Bonds...stuff like this has a half life. It's not necessarily metabolized completely in the animal itself.

Second, for years, hormones like rBGH have been pumped into milk-producing cows to raise their estrogen levels, thus producing more milk. Well, guess what? That wasn't particularly safe!
And a whole new industry cropped up that claims their milk is "rBGH free". I can imagine that within ten years, a whole new market will have cropped up about "born natural" animals.

See, here's the thing: I'm not against cloning. I'm not even against cloning for meat or milk. What I am against is ignorance and deliberate deceptions, which is what the FDA seems to be mapping out here: first, introduce a potentially dangerous and deadly process and product to the market, let it run its retail course and then assess the results, like LSD given to hundreds of government employees, because you don't want to scare people off before the results are in.

You guys are supposed to be protecting us.
Exactly. And they're not.


mapaghimagsik said...

good 'ol frankenfood

Distributorcap said...

can we test the food on George and Laura????

ellroon said...

Isn't Georgie the way he is BECAUSE he ... uh .. experimented with mutating drugs when he was young and irresponsible?

Let's get the twins to volunteer their time and be the guinea pigs for the nation....

Anonymous said...

I read most of the story on this and just got upset.

There is no shortage of meat on the market.
Animals have not refused to breed.
Scientists DO NOT have to be involved with the production of food.
Cloning will NOT get that same animal to the table any faster than the natural process.
They say they took a study stating that nobody minds, funny how that study does not include myself or any one elase I know or ever met.
They refuse to put a label on the food so you will never know or be able to decide for yourself as if you want to eat it or feed it to your kids as well as eating it at a restaurant. <------ This is THE KEY ISSUE!!!!!
They did the same thing with Genetically Modified Foods and you now have to go to independant sources in order to know what foods have it. This is purely market and greed decision because they know very well if you give people a choice they will reject somebodies investment namely cloned or GMO foods. Why else would they not put a label and give you a choice.

Europeans don't put up with this crap, how come Americans put up with this $$it?

We simply sit by and allow a government agency that was created to "protect us" yet you allow them to poisin the American people.

The HPV scandle is exactly the same thing, what is the driving force behind forcing someone to take a vacination as apossed to giving an informed adult the choice to make up their own mind?

What kind of backward, Nazi run, communistic society has the United States become?


ellroon said...

KP, I hear you.

Playing devil's advocate for a moment though:
1) Cloning is a variation on the genetic manipulation in ways. We could share the best of the breed around the world.

2) It is truly no different than what we eat now.

Yet I am with you on this, KP. Even though I know these things, I do not want to eat cloned meat. It smacks too much of 'better living through science' that turns out twenty years later to cause horrible diseases and death.

I do not trust the food industries to have our interests at heart. They are too busy feeding us corn and all its extremely bad byproducts. It is just another megabusiness wringing out more money from its customers.

But the genie is already out of the bottle. We have genetically modified corn in our food today. We have genetically modified plants blowing out of their study fields and affecting other kinds of crops. We have Monsanto working on the Terminator gene that will kill all natural seeds of a plant so the farmer must buy all his seeds again and again from the company.

We should grow our own vegetable gardens, buy from farmer's markets, watch the news to avoid the mutated foods. It still will be very hard to keep cloned meat and genetically modified produce out of our diets.

That said, I haven't equated cloned food with the HPV shot. I haven't done enough research to decide what to do about it for my daughter. Is it actually being required in the batch of children's shots one must get for school? Has it been found safe? How long has it been tested? I will go and google about it.

Thanks for the comment, KP.