Friday, January 04, 2008

Solid as in $100 a barrel of crude?

Late payments on a cluster of consumer loans, including those for autos, home improvement and certain home equity loans, climbed in the summer to their highest point since the country’s last recession in 2001.” Bush’s response? “This economy of ours is on a solid foundation,” the president said.



Distributorcap said...

remember how solid the rocket boosters were on the challenger....

i dont think i can hate this man enough.....

ellroon said...

As solid as the laws laid down in the Constitution?

As solid as the promises Georgie made in his campaigns?

As solid as the assurances to US citizens that we don't torture, that we are protected, that we are not spied upon?

We don't believe anything you say, Georgie. In fact, what you say, we immediately look for the opposite to happen.

So this means imminent collapse of our economy... just in time to hand it over to the next president.