Monday, January 07, 2008


Think Progress:

Earlier this week, Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson said God told him who will win the 2008 presidential election. “He told me some things about the election, but I’m not going to say,” he said.

Last night, Robertson appeared on Hannity and Colmes. When asked by Alan Colmes whether God had spoken to him about the election outcome, Robertson said he was “a little shaky on it” and was “not sure.” But Robertson then implied God told him a Democrat would win the White House:

COLMES: You said that you convene with God on a regular basis. You go into deep prayer and mediation, and you just recently say to you was revealed who would be the winner in November. Is that correct?

ROBERTSON: I felt so. But I’m a little shaky on it and I didn’t want to say anything about it publicly. I’m not sure I heard from the Lord. And if I did, I hope I heard wrong.

A 'little shaky', Mr. Robertson? What about that scary prediction about a nuclear attack in 2007? You're a little more than shaky... maybe you should cut back on those Jesus protein drinks....


Steve Bates said...

He goes into deep prayer and "mediation" (sic)? I didn't know the conflict between God and Robertson had reached an impasse...

ellroon said...

What happens when you go on strike? Who handles arbitration?

The only impasse between God and Robertson is between Robertson's ears.

Anonymous said...

I think we need to get a support group going because God must be bored or extremely depressed if he has to resort to conversations with a freaky dipwad like that

Distributorcap said...

pat neglected to say god wouldnt cross the WGA picket line..... so this was scab-God

ellroon said...

A depressed scab-God?? ... quick! A virgin sacrifice! Where's the nearest volcano?!

mapaghimagsik said...

With apologies to Judy Blume...

Are you there God, Its me, Pat.

ellroon said...

bleep ... bleep ...

God's got him on hold.