Saturday, March 31, 2012

BP poisoned the Gulf. Life there is still suffering.

A study of 32 dolphins were
underweight, anaemic and suffering from lung and liver disease, while nearly half had low levels of a hormone that helps the mammals deal with stress as well as regulating their metabolism and immune systems.


Steve Bates said...

And President Obama will, if he gets the chance, allow BP and other oil companies do it all over again, possibly in locations more deadly to the environment even than Deepwater Horizon.

In the name of the Gulf that has sustained myriad residents of my coast for several lifetimes... how could any right-thinking humane person ask me to vote for that man again?

I know; I'm not very good at the "forgiveness" thing. I'm also not very forgiving of RAW, GREED-DRIVEN STUPIDITY IN POSITIONS OF POWER!

ellroon said...

I was aghast when I learned how many drilling platforms were out in the Gulf before the Deepwater spill... and how many continued to drill during and after. And how many areas were opened up for sale after the so-called moratorium...

I'm going to vote for Obama, basically because he is the lesser of two evils. Politics is a polluting process...

Steve Bates said...

There's drilling and then there's deepwater drilling. Drilling not far offshore, in relatively shallow water, is an "easy" process by comparison with what they attempted at Deepwater Horizon. The latter was, IIRC, over a mile down. Do you know what the pressure is a mile under the ocean? Neither do I, and apparently neither did the contractor companies tasked with choosing materials and processes.

In shallow water, you can probably skimp on a few things, and the conditions are so easy and the procedures so well-established you may get away with it. Deepwater drilling is not like that. Some people say, and I tend to believe them, that deepwater drilling can never be made safe, no matter what precautions are taken. Even if it's only twice as unsafe as drilling near the coast, the possible environmental consequences far exceed equipment failures and spills in small areas close in to the coast. The latter can be handled, and equipment is distributed in advance so it is nearby to handle it. The former? You saw the consequences.

And IMHO, BP never even attempted to recover from the spill: they attempted to cover it up, make it invisible from the surface. The chemicals they used were more or less guaranteed to poison all sorts of critters. BP will of course tell you otherwise. They are at least wrong, and at worst lying their asses off.


Steve Bates said...

As for Obama, 2012 may well be my last presidential election. I have decided to give myself a "bye" for my last go-round: no more "lesser evil" voting. My one vote won't turn the election; it certainly won't turn Texas.

And IMHO, Obama as an evil is, at his worst, not lesser than the Republican nightmares. I shall not advise other people not to vote for him, but I shall not vote for him myself. This man orders American citizens MURDERED without due process. He orders American citizens DETAINED INDEFINITELY WITHOUT TRIAL. He regards WHOLE FAMILIES as "collateral damage" in his drone wars. I am sorry, but those are the kinds of things GeeDubya Bush did, and not far different from what George III of England did; the only difference is that... Dog help us... we actually did elect Obama.

YMMV; indeed, YMWV. I did my share of lesser-evil voting over my four-plus decades of voting; it's not a sin. But I am sooo old and soooo tired...

ellroon said...

Yes, on both posts, you have the right to be angry. Both BP and Obama are acting above the law and unaccountable. All of it has been grindingly disappointing and horrifying in equal measure.

Tired is what 'they' are counting on and the deaths of those of us who remember a functional government and non-politicized Supreme Court and legislators who could compromise....

I still gather the shreds of hope about me and will vote Democratic... maybe if I squint real hard, click my heels and cross my fingers....