Sunday, September 07, 2008

Barbara Boxer, full of fight

Over what McCain said in his acceptance speech:
Last night at the Republican National Convention, John McCain used the word "fight" more than 40 times in his speech.

In the 16 years that we have served together in the Senate, I have seen John McCain fight.

I have seen him fight against raising the federal minimum wage 14 times.

I have seen him fight against making sure that women earn equal pay for equal work.

I have seen him fight against a women's right to choose so consistently that he received a zero percent vote rating from pro-choice organizations.

I have seen him fight against helping families gain access to birth control.

I have seen him fight against Social Security, even going so far as to call its current funding system "an absolute disgrace."

And I saw him fight against the new GI Bill of Rights until it became politically untenable for him to do so.

John McCain voted with President Bush 95 percent of the time in 2007 and 100 percent of the time in 2008 -- that's no maverick.

We do have two real fighters for change in this election -- their names are Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
Link found via Cookie Jill at skippy the bush kangaroo.


low-tech cyclist said...

Well said, Sen. Boxer!

Maybe she, rather than Biden, should have been the veep nominee.

ellroon said...

Biden seems to be doing all right so far. We need someone who can heave a claymore...

Steve Bates said...

"...heave a claymore..."

The sword, the fragmentation mine or the manga series?

Notwithstanding McCain's constant trading on his five-year exception, he has lived on the government dime most of his life. Who is he to say others should not get their rightful share of it?

This morning, the polls are showing McCain's convention bounce, there's a wicked storm headed more or less my direction, and I'm really cranky about both of those things, about ready to heave something...

(And your comment preview just demanded a CAPTCHA text... without showing any text to copy. Feh.)

ellroon said...

I apologize for the unintended rudeness of my blog, Steve.
(And your comment preview just demanded a CAPTCHA text... without showing any text to copy. Feh.)
Usually they have a 'show original post' thingie. Weird. Can I fix that?

Claymore: as in William Wallace (non-Mel Gibson) and other hefty Scots...

ellroon said...

And put your inflatable dingy and your food stores by! Keep dry and safe, Steve!