Monday, June 23, 2008

Damn those uppity women!

Get back there and clean his socks!:
Rome, Italy (AHN) - An Italian man was arrested after police said he kidnapped his ex-girlfriend from a pub and took her home, forcing her to wash the dishes and iron clothes.

Police said the man dragged the woman out of a pub in Genoa, shoved her into a car and took her home where he threatened her if she didn't do his dishes and ironing.
How dare she leave and make him do women's work!


Sorghum Crow said...

Now we know how those Italian men manage to look so good. I wonder how the women do it.

mapaghimagsik said...

So was she ex *before* or after the incident?

ellroon said...

SC, Italian women are gorgeous themselves until they turn into those cute little black-wearing grandmothers. I don't know how they do it.

Map... she was an ex before the incident but I'm positive she's now a major total complete final ex. And he's a has been.