Thursday, November 30, 2006

Psst. Wanna buy some polonium?

Only $69, such a deal!

Radiation advice:
"Medical advice has been issued to staff at a British Airways plant in Wales, in case they worked on seats from a plane found with traces of radioactivity.

It followed the discovery that seats, which had undergone routine maintenance in Blackwood, were from an aircraft which tested postive for polonium.

Traces of polonium were found on the plane during inquires into the death of ex-Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko."

Thanks to Moonbootica for the links!

Update: LetterFromHere blog catches another facet, the one of terrorism:

"Anyway, to the point: this wasn't simply an assassination. ....

What this is, is a warning: "we have the capability to detonate a dirty bomb in central London any time we feel like it, so don't fuck with us". (Just take Polonium and add a little TNT.)"


mapaghimagsik said...

And I present, where the right wing gets most of its terrorism knowledge:

(a series, believe it or not)

ellroon said...

Lol! I'm blogrolling you. Thanks!