Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Floozy Patch?

Is that what they are calling it these days?

Firedoglake suggests that Congress focus on more important things that obsessing over what women do in bedrooms, which leads to Digby declaring, "I have a feeling that this anti-birth control and brood-mare-for-Jesus thing isn't going to catch fire."

Pandagon discusses Bachelor Girl by Betsy Israel:
"I have to say that the most amusing part of the book for me was reading how the scare-mongering tactics aimed at single women never seem to change from one generation to the next. Regardless of any random generation of single women felt about their status, the endless drumbeat at them was the same: If you don’t get married young, no one will love you and you’ll be sorry one day when your womb rots out and your teeth fall out. The best parts were the parts where barely concealed racial anxieties reared their heads. It’s clear what the message of the drumbeat says about the role of women in the white American patriarchy, which is to be the incubators of the oh-so-important heirs of white men and to be subservient and to be, above all, grateful for the chance."

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