Monday, October 23, 2006

Bush officials hoping that North Korea would actually set off a nuke.

"Senior Bush administration officials wanted North Korea to test a nuclear weapon because it would prove their point that the regime must be overthrown."
"The revelation that some officials secretly wanted North Korea to test their nuclear weapons is evidence of how the administration’s national security policy has become completely divorced from reality."

But Kim Jong-il has said he was sorry and won't do it again. Condi Rice casts doubt on the apology: "

Rice looked clearly exasperated over repeated questions about the reports, which overshadowed her tour of Asia aimed at rallying support for strong UN sanctions against Pyongyang.

She accused North Korea of seeking to "escalate" the crisis."

Shorter Condi: L'il Kimmie, just shut up and be the bad guy, okay? You're gonna help us win this next election!

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