You bring the drinks! (This makes me proud of our young college kids, it does!)
Karl Rove:
Karl Rove, former senior aide to President Bush, spoke to a hostile crowd at the University of Iowa yesterday evening. Students and local citizens protested his appearance at the university and “staged a mock trial” for Rove inside the student union before the speech.During the lecture, Rove lashed out at hostile questioners, telling one man his comment showed “a simple, stupid mind” and chastised what he said were “stupid statements” from the audience. Rove also said that former Amb. Joseph Wilson “lied” about his 2002 trip to Niger and accused an audience member of “perpetuating libel” on the U.S. military for asking about the real number of deaths in the Iraq war [...]
Responding to a question about CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson’s outing, Rove, seemingly joking, added:I haven’t been indicted yet, but I fully expect to be by the end of the year.
what an ass
and he is SO proud of himself ----
and worse, he gets away with it
the folks at UI should have just stayed away -- that would have sent a louder message. rove loves the battle, it is his big-o
Rove really typifies the quote,"the banality of evil." I hope the people he's personally hurt and the dead from the wars he pushed are waiting for him when he dies.
Would that it were so. I think he's just messing with us. He seems to have reached a point where he thinks it's all a great big joke.
Rove may yet someday see the wrong side of the bars. Or who knows; he may head to someplace that has no extradition* agreement with the U.S.
(*Extradition: that's what you bring out when unexpected company comes to dinner.)
Oh please let him go visit some place that has no extradition with the US! That would be so ... nice of them to insist that Rove stay for dinner! And breakfast, and lunch....
I'm ignoring your brilliant pun, Steve, until I can sneer properly with another one.
Might take a bit...
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